
Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Skinny Jeans

Jeans have ruled the youth fashion for years now, and will continue to do so for years and years to come. These are one type of clothing that is popular with all age groups and is wearable in all kinds of situation, be it a party or just school. It's a round the year clothing and can be matched up with anything.
With the launch of a thousand brands exclusively for jeans, people, especially teenagers have adopted jeans like a second skin. As times change jeans cuts have also changed in popularity. There was a time when normal cut, denim jeans were popular among the working class, some time back in the 19th century. Essentially, the jeans history has it that jeans were worn by men doing industrial work. Later on the teenagers of the 50's caught on with it and made it their fashion icon. The manufacturers developed new trends like boot cut jeans and baggy jeans to keep up the popularity.
The new 'in' thing are the slim jeans. They were basically considered to be women's wear, but these days making such a distinction between pieces of clothing is meaningless. So men have also started wearing tight skinny jeans or slim jeans.

Slim jeans are in rage because they show off your body contours. Some might argue that they are extremely uncomfortable and don't allow you to move about with ease but the look and the class it gives out is certainly worth the trouble.
Now that online shopping has been set up buying your favorite jeans has become as easy as picking it out of your wardrobe. Online shopping is easier that actually catching a cab and going to a proper showroom and checking out all the jeans they have, but yet you are unable to choose as you still haven't seen the whole store yet, and there could be something better around that shelf. Why go to all that trouble. You can sit by your PC and buy your


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